Men and women are taking care of their skin and body earlier and earlier compared to their parents. Since a “miracle” cream rarely, or maybe never, makes an already aged face suddenly appear to be twenty years younger, this is smart thinking. Aesthetic offices are noticing a significant increase in the number of patients in the 20s and 30s seeking Baby Botox® treatments, and here is why.
1. Young women don’t want to wait until they are middle-aged to address wrinkles and sagging skin; they want to be a step ahead and get Baby Botox® to prevent or delay the appearance of facial lines in the first place.
2. Less Botox® may be needed for future treatments as the muscles gradually atrophy. Earlier neuromodulator treatments soften the stronger facial muscles before they have time to set those lines.
3. Small doses of Botox® can also give the skin texture an upgrade with marked improvement in pore size and less oiliness.
4. Social media influencers are posting how they take proactive steps in noninvasive aesthetics to preserve their youthful looks.
5. Correct placement of the Botox® leaves plenty of residual movement around the forehead, eyebrows, and eyes. The outcomes are so natural that no one notices.
6. Baby Botox® may - or may not - be less expensive than traditional doses of Botox®. This is because the injectors who know how to personalize Botox® injections are more skilled and can charge more for their services.
7. When someone looks more rested and relaxed, they feel more rested, relaxed, and confident.
Baby Botox® is the name given to a Botox® injection technique. Lower doses of Botox® (usually 1/4 to 1/2 the manufacturer's recommended dose) are injected strategically to minimize wrinkles while still allowing facial movement). And even though it's called Baby Botox® or mini Botox®, the technique can be used with brands like Xeomin® or Dysport®. Knowing how to personalize Botox® injections (such as Baby Botox®) comes from experience and advanced training. So if you want baby Botox®, you need to find an experienced injector who will work with you to achieve your goals.
You'll probably need to see your injector more frequently because smaller doses wear off more quickly than full doses. Some people go every 4 - 8 weeks, but how often you go is really up to you. Traditional full doses of Botox require visits every 3 - 4 months.